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SirenSoles Workshops 


In this Pole Choreography workshop you will learn a choreographed routine utilizing the pole and focusing on basework, sensual movement, and musicality.

Open level. Pole Heels recommended. 


In this dance Choreography workshop you will learn a heels routine and work on your freestyle skills. No pole.

Open level. Dance Heels Recommended 


In this Chair Dance workshop you will learn a choreographed routine and practice tricks and transitions utilizing your chair as the perfect prop.  Heels optional. Open level


In this Spin Pole workshop you will practice spin pole tricks. transitions and sequences. This class requires you to climb and invert.
Heels optional. Intermediate level +


In this Floorwork workshop, you will learn a choreographed  routine and practice floor tricks and transitions.  Knee pads, leggings or high socks/boots recommended, Heels optional. Open level


In this workshop you will practice stretching techniques to improve your flexibility with a focus on splits and backbending. Open level.

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